Online Reputation Management & Branding – Listen, Engage & Control


There are primarily three things to execute to manage your Brand’s importance and Reputation online:-

Listen: Our entire learning process in life is based on the virtue of listening to others. We subsequently take this learning through listening and apply it in ways we never may perhaps. An organization consisting of various Brands or Products or services must do this even further. We can collect necessary consumer or user information that is related to our product/service. In this process you are actually gathering feedback and identifying future opportunities which will eventually help you organize better. Social media channels like Facebook and Twitter are undoubtedly the best platform where we can listen to the users; however we should also consider the enormity of the Internet. There are many niche segments for individuals and specific products or services where the experts usually share information. These segments include company Blogs, Forums (a traveler will look at or; gearheads will look at or Perhaps, what if a full-size and reputed travel agency goofs up due to some unexpected consequences and all that mockery lands up on these platforms? Revenues might see a downturn, just for the reason that no one had the fortitude to “Listen”.
Engage: Today’s society we live in is all about engaging yourself at its core. We regularly come across assorted people coming from unusual walks of life. This interaction on a daily basis helps us to get to know our world better or rather call it as “Socially Active!” But the question arises on how do we make a brand or company “Socially Active” online? How do we make a brand speak? The more the brand talks online the further it creates awareness for itself. There are many mediums by which this can be achieved. A company can create and share a detailed video or an article about their product information, services offered and various other factors that comes into play while using them. Companies try their best to market their respective products through various mediums like TV ads, brief coverage, Social Platforms, Radio, Newspapers, and many more. Apple does not make a new version of iPhone and maintains a code of tranquil once it is released. It incessantly engages with its customer base and provides elucidations related to the system upgrades and features related queries. This helps them maintain their customer’s loyal base to their brand, knowing that whenever a newer version is released, we already have ready buyers. When it comes to engaging with the users or customers, it should always be a two way emotional interaction that shall generate trust and loyalty. The day you are possessed with these two gems, your product or service becomes a striking asset to have which in turn builds demand and therefore generates great revenue.
Control: As soon as you grow popularity online, you would come across people who are not going to agree with what you say or shall disagree with your opinion. This in turn tends to harm the brands value or reputation if not handled appropriately. Given the power of the web multifaceted with its ability to keep users anonymous, a lot of negative talk nineteen to the dozen can go viral within few moments. This kind of negativity always has the potential to create value destruction and loss of potential clients. While browsing for a finicky subject if a user comes across content that talk negative or against your brand/product /service and is acknowledged by many more websites, needless to mention about the possible consequences. It is definitely out of question that you won’t be able to control all of it immediately; however it is extremely crucial that this negative publicity be minimized without more ado while the remaining stuff is progressively dealt with at a later time. And remember one thing “Anything that goes on the web stays on the Web”. You can set a target to tackle all of these situations by Listening and Engaging. Through Listening you would get to know ‘what are the users talking about’ and ‘where is it being talked about’. Once you figure out the above two you can then engage with each one of them and help your brand regain its neutrality permanently. This can only be achieved with a lot of efforts put in the activities but if you think about this over a long term then it is definitely worth the effort. You must have heard ‘Prevention is better than Cure’, so as a brand Start Listening and Start Speaking.

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